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Ultrasonic Testing Level 1 Training


9/12/21, 1:09 pm

An introduction to Non-Destructive Testing & an A-Z guide on The Ultrasonic Testing.



What you'll learn

  • Understanding the physical principals of Ultrasonic Testing

  • Learning how the Ultrasonic Testing devices work

  • Mastering the calibration of an Ultrasonic Testing System

  • Getting ready to pass the Ultrasonic Testing Level 1 Examination

  • Carry out tests according to an established procedure under the supervision of a level II (2) or level III (3) personnel.

  • To have the practical skills of UT required for a Level I (1) technician.


This course teaches you how to perform ultrasonic inspection from beginning to end.

The course provides you with Level 1 training in the fundamentals of Ultrasonic Testing methods. It will introduce you to the basic concepts and principles and includes hands-on training using Ultrasonic Testing equipment settings and functions.The Ultrasonic theories presented will provide the knowledge of Ultrasonic Testing required and enable you to work with individuals qualified and certified to gain needed experience for qualification as Level 1. While the practical manipulations will give you the essential steps that you will need to calibrate the ultrasonic testing equipment, perform the inspection, collect and interpret the data.

This course consists of two handbooks: The first handbook made by the instructor is the official of the training. It covers all the topics presented through the 35 lectures. While the second one (offered as bonus) is the official one of the TWI (International Institute of Welding) training.In addition to that, the course includes 35 lectures alternating between the different lecture types, with regular quizzes and exams to enable you to check that your are following the topics covered.

We'll begin by taking a closer look at the general concepts of ultrasonic testing, I'll then take you throw the fundamental properties of ultrasound starting with the generation of the ultrasonic wave and the mean physical phenomena that govern it.

Next, we'll discuss the most famous Ultrasonic Inspection Techniques and the equipment used to perform them so that you be able to perform them effectively.

We'll then take a look at the reference blocks used for calibrating the equipment, and how the inspected part variations that may affect the test result.

Finally, we'll explore the types of defects, and the most useful evaluation techniques so that you can decide whether the flaw is accepted or it needs to be repaired.Having the proper theoretical knowledge of ultrasound is critical to running a successful inspection, I'll introduce you to this knowledge and how to practice them effectively in Ultrasonic testing level 1 training.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner UT technicians.

  • University and college Students looking for a career in NDT field.

  • Technicians of other NDT methods seeking to advance their career by learning a new NDT method.


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