Teacher Training - How to Teach Online - Remote Teaching 1Hr
What you'll learn
How to Teach Online
Look Comfortable on Camera
Basics of Lighting,Camera and Backdrops
Build Confidence Speaking and Teaching on Camera
Learn Online Student Engagement Techniques
(Please note this is a beginner course designed to be completed in less than one hour for classroom teachers who are looking to become more comfortable and confident teaching online.)
Online Teacher Training
The Coronavirus has changed the world. Teachers who have spend a lifetime teaching students in the classroom must now learn (quickly!) how to teach students online and in virtual classrooms.
This course is designed for busy, stressed teachers who are battling numerous crises at the moment and don't have time for a 1-3 day course on online teacher training. This course can be completed in less than one hour!
For anyone used to teaching in front of real students, the prospect of talking in an empty room to a video camera can seem intimidating and even scary. But it doesn't have to be!
TJ Walker is a teacher who has taught online for more that 20 years. In addition to conducting online teacher training, Walker has conducted online and in-person media training and public speaking workshops for Presidents, Prime Ministers, Nobel Peace Prize winners and network news anchors.
Traditional Teacher Training has not included techniques to help teachers communicate effectively and confidently in front of a video camera. This course fills that gap. If you want to learn all the fundamentals on how to speak with confidence and poise on camera AND to engage your students effectively, then this course is for you.
Teaching online is not harder than teaching in a live classroom, but it it different. The skills needed to excel as an online teacher aren't difficult, but they aren't common sense either. TJ Walker will guide you through the process, step-by-step, on how to be equally confident and competent in the online classroom as you are in the real world classroom.
You will never be nervous again in front of a video camera or in front of students you can't see.
Learning to teach effectively on camera in an online environment is now an unfortunate but necessary ingredient in teacher training. Please enroll today to get your teacher training skills prepared for the current times.